First up on The TravelDiva’s race schedule was the Disney Glass Slipper Challenge – February 21-23.
WE HAD A BLAST! 19.3 leisurely miles over 2 days! Anytime MsPattey and I get together it is a raging, gut busting, hilarious, grown women gone wild adventure and this weekend was no exception.
Can’t you tell? Who else would dress up looking like a highlighter with a tiara on top when you were supposed to look like Princess Tiana, run half marathon after running a 10k the day before and still be all grins and giggles. Well, me and about 24 THOUSAND of my bestest friends.
This is the second year in a row that MsPattey and I have done this race. Last year we only did the Princess Half, but when we saw the people with 3 medals from the Glass Slipper challenge we HAD to do it! It’s all about the BLING! Nothing like looking for your car after the race clicking and clanging with all that BLINGAGE!
As for the races…Well, If you want to be all competitive, run for a time, PR or BQ then you best get in the 1st couple of corrals and not stop to take narry one pic or it ain’t gonna happen for you. NERP, NOPE, NOT A CHANCE. For the 10k, I tried to pause my watch every time I stopped to get an “accurate” running time. I did my best and may have been off only 2-3min. 10K was 1:29. I was happy with that. I wasn’t trying to do anything major and was enjoying the scenery, talking to people and having a good time. As for the half-marathon, I forgot to pause my watch ever. Just let it run because I was fixated with playing with my new GO PRO HERO 4 (which I accidently deleted all the video doing a software update – Live & Learn). I estimated, based on looking at the splits that we killed 30 min piddling around, taking pictures and having a great time. Watch 3:40, 3:10 is what I was expecting. GO ME!
So, what’s next for the dynamic duo…well, Disney announced that there will be the Inaugural Disney Paris Half Marathon and perhaps a Continent to Continent Medal in 2016. Sounds like just one of many MUST DO’s/MUST HAVE ALL THE BLING kinda thing to do for my 50th Birthday Year.
I put together another video slide show of the weekend. Enjoy.