The last lunar eclipse until December 20, 2010 occured tonight and I managed to capture a few shots with my Canon EOS and a tripod. Not too shabby. It was pretty cool to look at. If I still had a telescope I would have been able to see the rings of Saturn.
Take 10 minutes of your time to watch this video...it will leave you thinking. What would you do? Would you be able to live like Dr. Pausch if you knew you only had a few months to live?
I know that I have been inspired.
Ron and I went out to dinner at our favorite haunt...The Iron Bridge Wine Company. The Food is fabulous and the wine - enough said. I gave Ron an David Yurman Thouroughbred Cross Necklace at dinner over our champagne. HE LOVED IT!
A perfect day.
FYI - I will be giving this book out to all of our fabulous guests at the February 17th USUAL SUSPECTS EVENT.
The invite has been sent out. Check your mailbox. If you haven't received your invite and want to come play and have a good time, drop me a line at ecomwealth@bww.com.
Don't miss the fun.
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