I was recently asked if I would be willing to give a new product a try and then write a review. When I read what it was, my initial reaction was that I didn't have a "smelly washer" so I didn't think that I would be an appropriate tester.
What would I try it on?
However, Jeff at SmellyWasher.com still asked if I would give it a try; I shrugged and said okay. Little did I know at the time that I would have a washer situation that might just require SmellyWasher help.
I recently started a 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge and let me tell you something...the towels I use during class are DRENCHED with sweat after class and by time I get home & throw the towel in the laundry room...PEEEEEWWWWWAAAAAHHHH! If you let them sit too long - the towels and my workout clothes smell like ammonia. I had to get a separate laundry hamper for my towels and yoga clothes becuase they just STANK something fierce. If I washed them with the "regular use" towels there always seemed to be just a faint ammonia smell still there on all of them.
Enter SmellyWasher!
My jar arrived. First, I followed the instructions for cleaning the washer machine. I didn't really think my washer itself smelled, but I was gonna do like the container said..."Your washer must be cleaned first". The only drawback to this part is that it is a tad time consuming. You ave to stop the washer after about 2 min. and let soak overnight; completing cycle in morning. It doesn't really take up your time if you do it right before bed, but I always throw in a load before bed (well, most times) and that might throw you off a load.
Time to clean my smelly yoga towels.
You put all the towels in (I threw some funky yoga clothes in too), agitate for 2 min, stop & soak for 2 hours (again time consuming unless - like me - you have a soak cycle on your washer), complete cycle. Rewash with detergent. Dry.....
...and WHALA! My towels smelled like...towels. No hint of ammonia. No residual sweaty, funky smell. Fresh towels. Me liked.
Check out the video...
I am happy that SmellyWasher made my yoga towels smell fresh and new again. The only thing that is the downside is the soaking business. I don't have time to do that every time I want to do my yoga towels - 2 hours is a long time for my laundry room to be out of commission. I intend to go to the blog page of the site to see if you have to do that soak step each and every time for super smelly towel washing.
N.E. Way...I would like to share the NO SmellyWasher (Towel) joy with you! I am authorized to giveaway one SmellyWasher Bottle to one of my loyal (if not also jaded) readers. So here is how you can get an entry (multiple possible):
1. Leave me a comment on this post. - one entry
2. Twitter about this contest (if I'm not following you, come back here and leave me a note that you tweeted) - one entry
3. Write a post or link from your blog to this contest on your blog (leave comment with link) - one entry.
Happy Contesting. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 1st.
If you don't feel like entering a contest and want to just give it a try with a direct purchase, go to http://www.smellywasher.com/ to place an order and get 10% off by entering The Promo Code: traveldivastories