Now, I've been watching all season knowing full well who the six were going to be by time they got to this episode. However, I haven't been very successful in predicting who would have to pack up their knives until about the last 3 episodes...and we ladies KNEW and were pretty sure that Amanda was getting the boot. We took one look at the Tuna Tartar and said, "Yep, she's done."
Seriously, WHO makes raw fish as a concession food. Hot Outside. Fishy. Grey. Didn't look fresh. Difficult to eat in a ball park. Didn't go well with the free beer either.
NOW TIFFANY'S MEATBALLS! SLAMMIN' - DELISH - MAKE YOU WANNA SLAP YOUR MAMMA GOOD! or at least fight the people in line trying to get another serving. I was a little disappointed that she didn't win the tonight but Ed's dish was on point too.
Angelo is going downhill fast. Best get it together mister, stop putting an Asian spin on EVERY.SINGLE.DISH and start COOKANG. That's all I got to say about that.
So, I only had a total of about 4-5 seconds of fame in tonights episode. When they were talking to the judges and you see some chick with white St. John (you can't really tell that they are, but I thought I'd just throw that in for showing off effect) pants with her azz all up in the screen...yeah, that was my broadside. Then when the judges all get up to go to judges table...there I am in the background for a hot second. Who cares - nobody but me - yet the food was great, the beers were good till they cut us off, and my Top Chef Mates were a blast.
Here is how confidential this whole thing was...I took pictures of the ladies with Tom and then saved them on one of these computers in this house. Just can't find it now. I did email them out so the parties involved do have their pic - I just don't have it here to share. BUMMER.
Thanks, MrsTDJ, for a wonderful experience.
Today was move in day at Indiana Tech. Sigh. We drove the Prince out to Indiana and hung out at our friends house for the weekend, doing some dorm shopping and relaxing before we dumped his stuff off today.
We went to Wally World on Saturday to stock up on stuff that Prince Jordan said he needed...seemed reasonable to me right up until they rang all that stuff up. I nearly passed out when she said $500. Did we really have that much ish in that one cart? Guess so. I got a lot of questions about what in da heck did he need that would cost so much and that he didn't get last year, so here is a summary:
College ain't no cheap undertaking. Take the hit at one time or get nickled & dimed every month. I could do it all at one time OR I could get a text every week with a list that I would have to SHIP (I'm gonna have to do that anyway - but perhaps I'll get lucky and not have to do anything till Thanksgiving). I just knocked it out...but my knees are still a little wobbly on that shopping trip.
We showed up at the school and were amazed at how nice the Warrior Row Townhouses were. VERY NICE. Prince Jordan's girlfriend, Joan, (who came with us & is working on becoming a future Princess - HUMPH - we will see) and I helped unpack & set up Prince Jordan's room while The FireMarshall went back to Wally World to get some last minute stuff that Jordan needed after we got to actually see the room (fan, shade for window, snacks, more hangers).
We said our goodbyes and are now on the highway back to Maryland.
Sophmore Year Begins!
Would you like to learn more about the reunion? Please take a moment to tune in for about 20 min as we talk about the mission, purpose and events happening at the Inaugural Black Service Academy Super Reunion - August 26-28th at the Gaylord Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD
I'm so excited about next weekend, I think I'm gonna burst.
After the soccer fiasco that ended in a trip to the emergency room, we had to come up with something quick to keep Princess Cara's confidence up and get her back in the active saddle. We signed her up for an 8 week intro course to Karate and she LOVES IT!
My little mini-diva took to Karate like peas take to carrots and after 8 weeks (and another forking over of fundage) she is a white belt and had informed us that she wants to "Go All The Way! Mommie!" I guess that means Black Belt.
I'm so proud of my little Princess. Now, how do I get her to stop kicking, chopping and "HYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHH"ing everything around the house.
I don't need no stinkin movie. I got my own Karate Kid!
I thought it would keep her distracted for a good while, but alas, she is easily distracted like her mother by shiny objects - "Look what I made - OH! - Shiny." - and she is off to the next toy.
We have been purchasing a lot of stuff from Ebeanstalk and have yet to be disappointed. If you got kids you really should check them out. Like I said before, looking for great toys for your kids at any age can be overwhelming! Especially if you let your kids watch Nog.g.in or Car.t.oo.n Net.w.ork and they are bombarded with commercials for useless toys or video games. I truly believe you will find great toys at reasonable prices at Ebeanstalk. Even better are the online reviews of all the toys right there on the website. Good and bad. Honest feedback on everything. I found that feature very helpful too.
Before we left on vacation, we picked one of Princess Cara's Watermelons from her garden - it looked like it was ready - what do I know.
She insisted that we cut it RIGHT NOW so she could eat her "personal pan watermelon". She did not want to share AT ALL.
Turns out that it was AWESOME. DELISH!. SWEET. Everything you would want from your watermelon.
We are definitly enjoying our little garden. Hope all the other melons grow some more so we can pick them when we get back.
Prince Jordan and his crew are this very minute (12:48am) on the highway - embarking on...
The crew wanted to do "The Big Summer Trip" and I hooked the boys up with a condo down in Orlando for the week. They decided that it would cost them more to fly & since none of them are 21 - they couldn't rent a car without forking over a tuition sized deposit. Thus, they are driving - the infamous party van - our Chevy Conversion Van.
I am up at 1am in the morning, the worried mother, fretting about safety, can they handle the drive, are they gonna be okay...blah, blah, blah. The FireMarshall is sleeping soundly. We got a call about 30 min ago from the Prince asking about the brakes on the van. I practically jump out of the bed frantic but The FireMarshall is handling the call with finesse and calm. I'm pacing the floor. The FM hangs up, lays back down and starts to promptly go back to sleep.
DA HELL. I want details. What's going on? Are they okay? Are they gonna make it?
The FireMarshall, in his voice reserved for idiots and the elderly, said "Woman, get back in the bed, lay down, calm down and don't fret yourself to death." Ummm, okay. How comez he all lah de dah bout the Prince - the Heir to the Empire - driving 13 hours (he is not doing all the driving-the boys are sharing the load) down I95? Why you all calm about six 18 year old boys on thier first long azz road trip? WTF.
He prompty put it in perspective for me. He said, "We send 18 year old boys to Iraq & Afghanistan, give them guns and send them out on patrol all day to Sunday. I think my son and his friends can handle I95. They were responsible enough to check in about the brakes, they are fine, we will check them when they get here. They know now to take their time & pay attention. They will watch out for each other - just like our kids overseas."
Ummm, well, err, yeah.
He then wraps himself up in this here heavenly bed (we are already in Orlando for vacation & a conference) binky and says, "Would you rather him navigate I95 or navigate IED's? Let the boy be a man. Now go to bed."
He then offered to help take my mind off of the Prince with a game of pocky-poo. Uh, Huh.
The FireMarshall has a valid point. I gotta let The Prince do man like stuff and navigate life on his own. I'm still his Momma - and I'm gonna worry, just a little bit.
I've said my prayer and asked God for Travel Mercies for The Prince and his crew. I ask that if and when you read this, that you throw up a prayer on their behalf.
Safe travels, my Young Men. Love you all - from the KoolAid Momma.
Hmmm...now let me see about this game of pocky-poo.
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