
Do Epic Stuff 2017–IMMD

2017-01-01 10.41.26

I haven’t blogged very much lately, but I wanted to make the big announcement and ask that you join me on this EPIC JOURNEY!


I promise to do better and keep you posted as I work on achieving my 2017 goal of completing my first Ironman. I signed up for Ironman Maryland after a lot of thought and reflection. I know I said I was going to hold off on any more long course racing for a while; however, a couple of things changed my mind.


First, I knew that if I put it off, I probably would never do it. Life has a way of getting in the way of best intentions and I ain’t getting any younger.


Second, I have arthritis with bony spurs – pretty bad in the left knee and I started out 2017 back in the Orthopedic Office getting shots in both knees…I could barely walk or go from sitting to standing to walking without significant pain. I knew I was having problems. Longer distances were becoming a serious problem with swelling, discomfort and extended recovery. I was getting slower and slower and the knees were getting worse.


Options? Walk – WALK FAST

So, knowing that I probably won’t be “running” much longer, I decided to GO FOR IT NOW! While the going is good.

What’s the plan?

  • I have an AWESOME coach
  • I started training EARLY, Jan 1 – burn out is a thought but I need to build up, get strong over a longer period of time and arrive to the start HEALTHY.
  • I have a great, balanced race schedule to get me race ready, practice nutrition, transitions and MENTAL TOUGHNESS
  • I am surrounded by the most AWESOME group of athletes, spectathletes and friends that believe in me.

The GOAL is set. The PLAN is written. Time to EXECUTE the plan.


On top of all of that, I was chosen to be a Ripit Events Ambassador. #RipItAmBADASSador


Yes, I have discount codes to the RipIt Events Races.


Join me as I go on this journey to do EPIC SHIT and be a BADASS! See you out there!