Well, it’s waaaaay overdue for the 2015 Diva Adventure’s Schedule to answer the question(‘s) – What’s on your schedule this year? What do you have big going on?

So, here is what the TravelDiva is up to for 2015!
Disney Glass Slipper Challenge – Feb Paris Marathon – April 12, 2015
Columbia Tri (OLY) – May 17, 2015 Escape the Cape Tri (OLY) – June 14
RipItEvents Olympic Du – July 12th IG (cause it’s the 10th anniversary)
August 16th, 2015
BTA BABY!!! – August 30th 2015 Waterman’s 70.3 – October 3, 2015
I think that’s plenty to keep me out of serious trouble. Besides, I’m broke now until I find me a sugar daddy sponsor that goes above The FireMarshall – SPECTATHLETE contributions to my addiction. So, stay tuned for the occasional picture update from all the suffering training and adventures. Really, this is actually what I consider fun. REALLY! SERIOUSLY!!
…and as you can expect, I will be keeping it cute and sparkly – lipstick and all.