The long run scheduled for this weekend was 8 miles on Saturday, but I was going to be in NYC for the weekend and The FireMarshall was not feeling me run in Central Park by myself…and NO…he was not running with me. Punk. Thus, I got up this morning – a little later than planned to try and negate the headache I had – to put in those 8 before we left for NY.
I got out there and was feeling great, chest all puffed out cause I was avg a 11:30-12 min pace (not bad for a slow as cold molasses plump girl) and then all hell broke loose at the 4 mile mark. There was construction on the path I was on and a detour that took me in a different direction than in the direction of where my car was. Well, I didn’t want to go on a 20 mile loop so, I improvised, adapted, overcame…yeah, right. I utilized my land nav skills, resorted to using maps and orienteering to plot a course back. I decided to keep running in the direction of my car continuing to make a loop…on the road outlined by the map. Ummm…well, er…the back road turned into a 3 lane fast moving road and got a tad dangerous. I then decided it would be best until the traffic calmed to run on the grass.…and then…
DEBRIS!…and I busted my ass. I executed a pretty good PLF, jumped up, did a system check – ouch, my knee hurts – and kept moving.
The next 4 miles was a combination of dodging cars, jogging & walking – jogging & walking…until I got within a 1/2mile of my car and I WALKED. You know you’ve been out there a while when the FireMarshall calls me and asks if I need assistance. BWAAAHAAAHAAHAA!!!
I got in 8.3 miles. I got her done. Despite all the mishaps, dodgecars, falls…I kept moving forward.
Whatever doesn’t kill me…had BEST start running.