
IM70.3Cozumel & Marine Corp Marathon–HERE WE GO!!!

April 1st…April Fools Day…is as good as any other day to get started on the journey for the IM70.3 Cozumel Redemption Race AND if I wasn’t crazy enough I added the 38th Marine Corp Marathon (rather I was punked into it – I’m such a sucker).

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I’ve pulled out my training plan from last year and incorporated my 18 week Intermediate MCM Training plan that doesn’t really begin until June 20th. Putting the two together, I will be way prepared for the MCM and have a great head start into the training. I started today with a 60 min hill ride with TriBecca who then forced me to do core work too. HUMPH. Yeah…we got work to do cause that headwind and those Hills of Howard County were NO FRIGGIN JOKE today.


We set some goals for the MCM after having a blast from my past moment… 27 years ago, I ran my first marathon – the 11th Marine Corp Marathon. This was before they gave out bling – you got a certificate. I can’t believe I ran 26.2 miles in those shorts and then got on a bus for a 6 hour ride from DC back to West Point. CRAZY CAKES.


So, I wasn’t last…I beat the bridge and 366 other people to finish in 5:19:07. Can I work towards finishing in 5:30/5:45? YES I CAN. That would be an avg 13 min pace. YES I CAN! Wouldn’t that be a hoot!!!


Here is the schedule leading up to IM70.3 & MCM:

April 7: Cherry Blossom 10m

June 23: TriRock Philly

July 14: Maryland Olympic Duathlon

Aug 17: West Point Sprint Triatlon

Sept 8: Rock Gap Iron Girl (Relay – Swim)

Sept 22: IM70.3 Cozumel

Oct 27th: MCM


Let the games begin.