
Amazing…Just The Way You Are

Go ahead and watch the video. It’s less that 15 seconds. I’ll wait…

That’s right – You’re Amazing…JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

It took a pro triathlete to remind me of that – to set me straight and get my mind back in the game – and to work on keeping my mind there – IN the game.


Debbie Tanner & Clark Ellice – world class/ranked pro triathletes, Olympians and just all round genuinely nice people, sat at my kitchen table asking about ME, my training, my life. Every sentence I spoke was peppered with qualifiers, down plays, jabs. “Yes, but I’m slow.” “I can’t…” “ I wish…” “If only I could…” “If only I wasn’t at the race weight of two triathletes…” “If I had…”


Debbie made me stop after a few sentences. “STOP, Lisa! STOP. Stop saying that stuff. YOU are amazing just for doing all of this AND all the other stuff you do.”, she said. “You manage to work, have a a wonderful family, train & workout AND race. This is all we do. I think you’re awesome.”

She does? WOW!

And then Clark dropped the mind bomb of the weekend – which I have made an affirmation – “Where your mind goes, your energy flows.”

WHERE YOUR MIND GOES  - what are you thinking and speaking into existence? Is it positive or negative?
YOUR ENERGY FLOWS – positive thoughts, affirming messages – better performance in everything you do.


So, you’ve made lifestyle changes and you’re still not that elusive size 10 yet? Guess what, you might not ever be or it may take a LONG time. You are amazing, just the way you are.

You’ve started that couch to 5k program a few months ago, but on group runs, you are always the slowest one. SO! You’re faster than every single person still on the couch – You are amazing – as fast or slow as you are.

You’ve been doing triathlon’s for a WHOLE YEAR now and you’re getting down on yourself cause you are always a middle of the pack, bottom of the age group triathlete. (Wonder who she’s talkin’ bout) STOP IT! You’re doing it! And I was reminded that my pro’s have been racing/competing since they were 12. PERSPECTIVE.

I am Wife, Mother, Medical Sales Professional, Entrepreneur, Networker, Chief Cook & Bottle Washer…and I AM A TRIATHLETE! Debbie gave me her medal at the end of the Columbia Triathlon (she came in 5th). I carry it in my car, hanging from my dash board like in the video to remind me every single day that…


…and so are you, my friends, so are you.