Last weekend, TheFireMarshall and I went on a little outing into the ROV (Rest of Virginia – aka The Commonwealth) on a LivingSocial Extreme Driving & Weapons Training Adventure…
By the end of the day it was reconfirmed that we are an formidable team and that the Zombie Apocalypse has nothing on us. TheFireMarshall will handle all the driving (cause he says I’m not aggressive enough-HUMPH) while I take care of all the shooting (cause he couldn’t hit the target to save our lives except when he had a laser sight).
I put together a video from our adventure…never mind all that screaming:
If you have been looking at some of those LivingSocial Deals/Adventures, but haven’t pulled the trigger…DO IT. They put on a great program, the staff is wonderful and they ensure a good time. Thus far, this is my first “Adventure” with them, but I have done cooking classes and other deals that were just as fun.
Try it…you’ll like it.
Have fun. Live Life… Large.