I've come to realize...that to deal with some of the ish that goes on in my life, I MUST self-medicate with a cocktail from time to time.
I've come to realize...that my sister just isn't going to change, get better or point her moral compass towards north. EVER.
I've come to realize...that it is VERY important to invest in a good & expensive exercise bra lest I put someones eyes out with these DD's.
I've come to realize...that I can do without a lot of things in the process of achieving our dreams...but not for long. I'm still a Diva at heart.
I've come to realize...that standing my ground, having an opinion & speaking my mind unnerves a lot of people. TUFF.
I've come to realize...that I do NOT need to apologize, keep secret, play down my success or accomplishments. HATE ON.
I've come to realize...that I am the Queen of my domain - my universe - and I am blessed to have a King. Trust that the Queen has beheading authorization too.
I've come to realize...that I have a really bad shoe fetish. I exercise my right to buy shoes at will.
I've come to realize...that I don't much like women supervisors. It is akin to two tomcats pissing on the wall to mark their territory. What most women don't realize is that I play the game like a guy and while some chick is playing that soap opera drama, I'm playing chess. 5 moves ahead of you babe.
I've come to realize...NEVER to argue with crazy. There is no point. Crazy goes on forever, waxing on ignorantly forever. Just let em have it.
I've come to realize...that the Internet make cowards very brave and brazen and when tagged, the crawl away with their tails between their legs.
I've come to realize...that despite my father's faults, he was right about a lot of things.
I've come to realize...that I have some of the most wonderful friends in the world...and some of them I met right here on these here internets. Go figure.
I've come to realize a lot of things over these 40+ years. Perhaps I'll add to this list from time to time.
What are some of the key things that you have come to realize?