I believe I have found the perfect long weekend tropical getaway. BERMUDA. The FireMarshall and I have traveled a lot of places. Most of the time we have to factor in a day of travel on each end of the trip which suck big time if you don't have (or want to use) a bunch of vacation time to go to you piece of paradise.
From a good portion of East Coast cities, it is only 1 1/2 - 2 hour flight to Bermuda (non-stop). Take that early morning flight and you are in Bermuda for lunch and Rum Swizzles all around. I recently went to work a conference; however, we were done by noon each day and I was at the pool, on the beach or diving by 1pm. AWESOME!
The island is absolutely beautiful, the water is tuorquoise & warm (85 degrees when I was there), the people are very friendly, there are no loud and bothersome hawkers when you go into town (and it is a cruise ship stop-about 4 ships twice a week), and there is plenty to do...or not.
Now if you are looking for 5 star hotel accomodation at Hol.id.ay In.n prices...you need to stay home. It is not a cheap proposition for lodging (unless you get a package) but the food and drinks will get ya. I say again...food and drinks ain't cheap, but it sure was good - AND - they are VERY, VERY generous with their pours making that $15 Pina Coloda well worth it since you will not have to go back for another one. That Gosslings Black 150 proof Rum is of the debil...but OH SO GOOD!
P.S. As a side note on that Gosslings...I had my classmates, DarrenB & CharlieJ over the other night and we did a round of shots of the stuff. LAWD! All three of us were gasping - even Darren - who is my mentor when it comes to professional drinking. That man right there - a legend.
So, if you are on the East Coast (say NY to SC) and want a quick weekend tropical getaway...I highly recommend Bermuda as your destination. I think you will enjoy it as much as we did.