Fear that I am not training enough or training wrong.
Doubt that I can even do this thing. That I will even finish.
Uncertain that I have the stamina, the determination to charge through to the end.
That little hell bus driver that follows me around everywhere just in case I get real messy, sometimes decides that he wants to talk and get me all discombobulated, stressed and worried about this Triathlon. But I beat him back with my tazer & some of my own positive self-talk. GET THEE BEHIND ME, Spoiler of Accomplishments. HUMPH.
Sometimes I just cry and keep running/biking (kinda hard to cry while swimming - just mostly moaning in between breaths). Sometimes I curse & mumble while training. But I always surge through. Perhaps I am even just being a little drama queen while training. Perhaps.
Whatever, the case - When my training gets me down - Do what Dory, from Finding Nemo says...
AAAAANNNNNDDDD....When all else fails, call Becca up and train with her. Lawd, that chile, with that Cheshire Cat Grin can get you pumped to do just about anything. Monday, I met her over at the Wilson Aquatic Center for a swim. She had a plan and everything. Every time I wanted to talk a rest or complain or some bullshyt, she GRINNED! and said, "Let's JUST do another 400 meters. GRINNED.
And I did it.
Last night, we decided to attempt to do the Iron Girl 17.5 mile bike route. Well, we got off to a late start and the hills on that route would make a grown man cry out loud. We ended up turning around at the 5 mile mark (for a total of about 10 miles) because it was getting so dark. We barely made it back to the park to get our cars out. It was so dark. Yet - Here's Becca...riding right behind me most of the way...giving little tips...encouraging me...AND I could feel the heat of that GRIN all up on my back. I never pushed so hard to just keep up - cursing the entire way.
We get back and Becca was like, "Girl, you don't have to ride out here no more. Nation's is flat and you've been working those hills for how long? You got this. Probably gonna blow by us cause you are so strong."
Two days with Becca, Dory keeping me company in my head and some good 'ole ON BRAVE OLE ARMY TEAM bravado and I am no longer filled with Fear, Doubt & Uncertainty.
In less that 25 days...I WILL BE A TRIATHLETE.