..."for use in the Methodist Church in the Caribbean & the Americas will hopefully help to arrest current tendencies toward disorder in Methodist worship. It will please God, restore the proper balance between joyful spontaneity and holy decorum which was once the hallmark on piety among people called Methodists."
So there you have it. Whatever...it was a nice service, but it wouldn't become my Church home. Also, there was a bug problem. The church had cockroaches SOOOOO big that I was sure the antenna's on the damn thing could tune into XM satellite radio. I swore I heard XM Comedy Central tuning in.
I then went to lunch with Ron and his business partners and after lunch we changed clothes and embarked on a tour of the island. If you think driving in a NYC taxi cab is a harrowing experience, then try driving with someone from the island on one of these mountain roads. It was the longest and scariest roller coaster ride I have ever been on. My life flashed before my eyes on numerous occasions and I thought for sure that we were going to take out any number of indigenous life forms. You could here me yelling at Ellerton - "Chicken!" "Oh, my God - Goat"!, "Watch out, Person!", "Damn, you almost hit that dog". He just laughed, dodged and weaved, honked his horn and kept on going. 
We were slowed down on our journey when we caught up to the local jungle Ice Cream Man. Go figure. Guess ya gotta have some Good Humor Ice Cream where ever you are in the world.
We went to visit the Carib Indian Reservation. Descendants of the original Island Cribs live on 3,700 acres in the Carib Territory. Dominica is one of the few places where these Indigenous people have survived. Apparently, Dominica was the last island to be colonized because the Carib "kicked butt" and beat invaders back on a regular basis. Did you know that the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest" was filmed here? Well now you do.
We stopped along the way to look at some of the local art work and crafts. They make wonderful baskets and I picked up two.
Unbeknownst to me, we were also on our way to pick up the site planners from the airport and I got a tad bit bummed. I did not want to wait at the airport for more of Ron business. I realized that I should have made plans for myself, because now the day was getting away from me and I was going to have to spend the rest of it waiting in the airport. Not my idea of a relaxing getaway. Ron picked up on my frustration and arranged for a cab back to the hotel - which would take 45 min. We arrived back at the hotel just in time to watch the sunset and a cruise ship pull out of the berth right outside our hotel.
Tomorrow, I'm off on my own while Ron and his partner make presentations to various government officials. I'm going on a hike to Middleham Falls and perhaps throw in massage.
Ovwa (Antillean Creole for - Goodbye). At least until tomorrow or so.

I'm glad to see you're back to your old spunky self! LOL
ReplyDeleteAre you going to have anytime to lay on the beach?
I also remember reading that the set and the actors were repeatedly burgled while filming the Pirate's movies! Hide the diamonds, baby!!! LOL