believe in spreading misery, depression or a bad day. I've said it before. There is no point, misery likes company and I don't want to keep that kind of company around. I'd rather comb my hair, dab on some makeup, practice the smile and go out in the world sharing in the triumphs of my friends & family - cause our time is coming.
The first time I saw you, I somehow knew you'd be important in my life.
In my eyes, you were beautiful in so many ways, there was no doubt that I wanted to spend forever with you.
And when we got married, things were every bit as good as I'd hoped. I didn't want anything to change. But...life is full of changes, and not every day can be paradise.
Together we've faced reality, the day-to-day "bumps in the road" that test every couple's patience. I've seen you in many challenging situations, and the miracle is...you're even more beautiful than I thought possible!
You're sweet, thoughtful, strong, supportive, and a partner anyone would want on his side. Not only are you the woman of my dreams, but you're also my best friend, and as time passes, I fall more deeply in love with you. - Linda Lee Elrod
Lisa - My Love,
How do I begin other than to say I love you more than you will ever know.
The recent pain and disappointment you have experienced does profoundly impact
me. I know that you feel as if I am insensitive and am not fully acknowledging the deep wounds and gashes you feel in your spirit and soul. However, the reality is that I feel and take on every tear, anxious moment, and fear you express....I know and will forever be in awe at how you have stood up and carried the weight of the world on your shoulders (home, kids, job, finances, friendships, and support of me)....I value what we have invested our lives in (each other)....
Please know, each day I wake to work to provide you the best. Not just good, but the best.
I love you and want you to be happy and at peace.
I wasn't meant to break and I have a husband that won't let it happen.
Do you have this kind of relationship; do you have a marriage that can stand the moguls? Would you rather just be in a long term relationship & live together so that if (and it will) gets real bad you can just pull stakes?
I pray that you find the one you can enter into a covenant with and make it work for you. Love is an action verb. It takes work, dedication, commitment. Passion & lust are nice and you can have that too, but if you base your whole relationship on those hot & heavy moments alone - you gonna end up alone (or bail when the going gets tough). Trust.
Happy Valentines Day.
We Choose Love.