
I can do Triathlons but KICKBALL kicked my ass!


I was at a two day sales meeting starting this past Monday and our mandatory fun teambuilding event was…wait for it…Kickball. Seriously. Oh ok. Well, when it comes to competition – especially on the friendly fields of strife – this here Diva…




My team was in it to win it. We played like this was an all star game & money was involved. Here’s what I quickly found out…what my body was quick to remind me –I’m built for distance not for short bursts.


Here’s what the conversation that went on between my mind & body. (The mind was willing…the body was weak) “Hey, playa, whacha doin’? We been training for the long haul – endurance, distance – spreading out pain & suffering over hours, not seconds. Slow your roll, girl or we gonna tell ya bout yo azz in a day or two.”


I shrugged it off and tried to keep my game up – see, I’m an “Elite Athlete”. Bwaaahaahaahaa.


I was running sprinting around those bases like I stolt something. I kicked that ball like Wonder Woman had just lost her berserker bracelets. And TODAY – two days later – I can barely walk.


I went for what was supposed to be a 3-4 mile run today and my legs felt like I had just got off of my bike after riding my bike for 50 miles at 19 mph. LEAD BRICKS. That run turned into a 2 mile shuffle/walk. DA HELL!


I can do a friggin triathlon, run 6 miles after a swim & bike and not feel like I did today after play 7 innings of some damn KICKBALL.


All I know is that I better suck down some Motrin, get in a couple of Bikram Yoga classes and stick to what I know before I end up in damn traction. I don’t have fast twitch muscles anymore!


The other thing I know is I better get my act together before the Army 10 miler in a few weeks. I’ll be damned if I end up on the sweeper bus – AKA – The Bus of Shame. I can skip faster than my shameful post kickball performance today. SMDH.


I can do a damn Triathlon…but some KICKBALL kicked my ass. DAMN SHAME.