Yeah, um, so, okay. I WAS a tad disappointed that they cancelled the swim for The Nation’s Triathlon tomorrow. It was going to be my “come full circle” triathlon and now it wasn’t going to happen. The Noah’s Ark type rain for 5 days straight right after a hurricane made the Potomac a tad “hazardous”…current' was outrageous, water conditions horrible, levels too high…blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, um, so, okay. Deal with it. Expensive Brick with Bling at the end. You can’t control natural disasters. Yet when I went down to rack my bike for the expensive brick workout w/bling, I just HAD to see what all the fuss was about and went down to where we would have entered the water at for a looksie.
Here is what I saw:
Yeah, um, so, okay….I ain’t even TRYING to swim in that shyt. I just KNOW there were some brain eating parasites in that mess right der.
Yeah, um, so , okay…Imma get on dat bike and ride da hell outta it, then run ( or at least pretend to) like I stole sumptin…collect my medal and carry my behind home.
The FireMarshall has already given me instructions on what the “some shyt done jumped off on the anniversary of 9/11” meeting point is. “If you get the bat signal, fugg the medal, and book it to the meeting point on the map."
I told him that you were not supposed to have your cell on you – 2 min penalty and shyt. I AND the race officials were promptly cussed the fugg out – “So take a penalty if they catch you – take 2 – but you carrying that damn phone, woman, hear!!?”
Yeah, um, so, okay. Imma do as The FireMarshall says. Safety and jump off info is a priority in his book.
This should be interesting.