The past 6 weeks have been a whirl wind. I have traveled, had events and/or long training sessions every week for over a month leading up to IM70.3 Cozumel.
- Splash & Dash
- NYC Birthday Bash
- King of Prussia, PA for 3 day work meeting
- Mexico
- West Point Reunion
Boss, I sure is tired.
But I was geared up to go to NY this weekend to run the Diva Half Marathon and the universe either conspired against me or was telling me to sit my ass down somewhere and stop for a min. I got a call the day I was supposed to get my bus tickets with the Diva Crew that the hiring manager for a potential promotion wanted to spend some time in the field with me Thursday & possibly Friday (the day we were to leave for the Diva adventure) rendering me having to drive up on Saturday (or catch the train) and The FireMarshall and my coach put the cabash on that idea. “NO! Sit your ass down.”
That was the end of that.
Friday, after work, I was supposed to return the bike box. That would actually require me to finally take my bike OUT of the box and put it back together. I had not looked at the bike since I put it the box in Mexico for the trip home. TEN (10) days prior.
I chalked it up being busy with the reunion and work, but that was a lie. Truth of the matter, I was suffering from a little post race PTSD regarding my bike. Was I really that sick? Could I have tried/worked harder? Did I punk out? I knew the truth of the matter – I was sick – the aid stations/porta potties knew, but the mind is an incredible machine…and the devil is a liar.
I knew what I had to do. I had to get back in the saddle. I had to take Diva Dawes out for a spin or else I’d never get back on her. I girded my soul with my new Army Black Knights cycling kit, put ole girl back together and took her our for a little spin. I wasn’t planning on going too far, but I got out on the road and…I just kept going. I decided to put in a hill or two just for some psychotherapy measure…I rounded the corner and decided to tackle Mt. Albert – the hill of ill repute for the Columbia Tri/Iron Girl – and CRUSHED IT! I rolled down the hill by Glenelg Country Day, turned around and made the climb back up – CRUSHED IT! and I took it home.
The bike monkey was off my back. The devil IS a MFn LIAR!!! The Diva is back in the saddle.
The season is winding down for me.I have a couple of runs (Army 10 Miler & the Columbia Turkey 10k Chase) coming up, so the focus will be running right now. I’ve already started planning next years races:
- Feb 2013- Disney Princess Half Marathon & Princess Family 5K (Cara) – Princess Cara and I will be celebrating our Bdays with fitness & fun at Disney
- April 2013 – Derby Festival Half Marathon (a return performance with MsPattey and I’ve conned the Pollhein’s into running too – BOTH of them)
- June 2013 – IM70.3 Eagleman – REDEMPTION
- June 2013 – Philly Tri (Annual event with my Soror’s and I’m bringing my BFF & Classmate MikeB for his triathlon debut)
After that, I don’t know. I want to do the West Point Triathlon in August. I always do the Army 10 in Oct. Maybe, I’ll go back and do the IM70.3 Cozumel. Maybe some place else. Maybe not at all.
All I know right now, is that I’M BAAAAACCCCKKKK!!! and life is grand.