Ron and I finally arrived on the Island of Tahiti and YES, my dear, this IS paradise. It is absolutely beautiful and we are just at the Sheraton Hotel Tahiti for the day until the ship embarks tomorrow. But I digress...Let me start at the beginning with the flight.
We flew Air France. A jumbo 747 that has 70 rows of 12 seats just in economy class. That's a lot of damn people. Now, I took a cue out of my girlfriend Karen's Flight Survival Book and picked up some Somenex so I could sleep on the plane and be ready to go when I got of the plane. Knocked me right out. I don't even remember us taking off and I woke up to my tray table being down with a nice plate of food on it. Guess what, travel fans...Air France doesn't make you buy your food and they feed you dinner AND breakfast. Edible even. Anyway, I feed my face and get up to walk around. We were in row 21. I walked all the way back to row 70 and back down the other aisle. Guess what I didn't see...NOT ANOTHER AFRICAN, AFRICAN AMERICAN OR BLACK FACE on the plane. DAMN people, where do "we" vacation at. Ron and I were the token black folk on the plane AND the only people who didn't speak both French and English. Okay, Okay...I got by with a few "bon soir's" and "merci's" but we are pitiful. Just to be sure, when we landed Ron and I surveyed the crowd in the customs line and I was right. NOT ONE on the whole plane. That's the kind of stuff that gets you detained. "Excuse me, sir..maam could you please step out of the line and explain what you are doing on the plane". Mom and Erin - rest assured I was on my BEST airport security behavior...And I have been known to get a little testy with airport security personnel.
At the airport, we were greated with flowers for your hair and music. No adult beverages thougt. Bummer. The flowers here smell absolutely fantastic.

We get settled in the room and immediately go down to the pool area. They have an infinity pool. When you are in the pool, it looks like the pool falls right into the Ocean.

Right now, we are waiting for Manny & Valerie to arrive and just practicing the Art of Doing Nothing. Must go now, they just delivered a complimentary plate of food to the room and Ron is starting to act silly with so much free time on his hands.