

At my recent company's quarterly planning meeting we did a little team building event called a Taste of Cooking. After a full day (actually we had already been at the meeting for 3 days) of sitting in a meeting room and frying your brain on corporate knowledge, we went to cook our own damn dinner. We thought we were going to a cooking school or some really nice place and we ended up at some crazy cooking ladies house that was straight out of Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving. The table was like a kids table with folding chairs, silverware you could bend like in the Matrix, paper napkins and mix match china.
And to add insult to injury...we were not allowed to drink the wine while we were slaving over the stove for this instructor.
I got in trouble several times and was eventually put in time out on the living room couch for forgetting to put the mayo in the crab cakes. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... how will the crab cakes stay together without it. Well, the did and they were wonderful. Others got reprimanded for not cutting an onion correctly - who knew? and for forgetting the potatoes...We will drink the wine for our carbs thank you very much. Despite all of the drama, the company was good and we had a great time with each other. To see all of the pictures from the CHARLIE BROWN THANKSGIVING set your browser to:

1 comment:

  1. That woman was just mean to not let you drink and cook at the same time, but, Lisa!! To forget the mayo in the crab cakes???? OMG! What were you thinking.
