
Pride...and Loss

We are on our way back to Maryland after taking Prince Jordan to early registration at his future home for the next four years at Indiana Tech. We made the 9 hour trek to Ft. Wayne, IN to Indiana Tech where we toured the campus (there isn't that much too it, really - small private college), met the Lacrosse coach, the advisor, took a math placement exam & registered for classes.

Friday evening, we all gathered in the Student Center for pizza & parent session as the incoming freshman ate and prepared to do a student activity - Scavenger Hunt - around the campus. I watched as my son, instead of sitting with us, pulled his chair over to the adjacent table, introduced himself and made friends.

Prince Jordan, my son, sought out his fellow teammates, introduced himself to other parents - engaging them in conversation as if he was a master networker.

I watched my son take charge of his group for the Scavenger Hunt without being pushy. They came in 3rd of 10 groups. A respectable finish.

I watched my Prince, male heir to the empire, during a practice with some of his new teammates, put his arms around the defenders and have a pow-wow meeting of the minds. I watched a pioneering team (the 1st time for Lacrosse at Indiana Tech) begin to gel.

I watched as my son took direction from the coaches and immediately incorporate what he was learning.

He got up the next morning without me (even though I did call) and take his Math Placement exam. And even though I hovered, the Prince registered for his own classes and created his schedule without my prodding.

I've never seen Prince Jordan happier. Master of the Universe. Helmsman of his own Destiny.

I also watched my son, right before my eyes, go from "my boy, my baby" to a young man. A young man who didn't need his mommie running behind him anymore. Boys grow into Men and leave home. With my daughter, I kicked her out the nest (and she keeps coming back like a bad penny). With my son, he jumped out the nest without even looking back.

...And my heart aches.

I am definitely a proud mother. The FireMarshall walks around with his chest all puffed out, while I think that any minute he will start passes out cigars again. What I witnessed was testimony to the fact that we had raised a boy to manhood and did it well.

...And yet I feel a sense of loss.

The Prince is now preparing to be the Future King...of his own Kingdom.