With all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season, sometimes we forget to take time and do something special, thoughtful or just be in the moment with our families & friends. Phone calls, job stuff, odd stuff around the house...just plain distractions often keep us from being "in the moment" with our family, especially our kids.
While most of my kids are pretty much grown, we have our newest addition to the Kingdom, Princess Cara, who still believes in Santa Clause & will debate you on the subject of whether Reindeer can fly (they can!). Our little princess is still have the magic in her eyes, the joy and wonder of the simpliest things and I don't want to be the one to stamp it out because I have to meet a deadline or the floor just HAS to be mopped right damn now.
My new blogfriend, LadyWonderLust, posted up her list of 12 Days of Christmas Childhood Magic and I was inspired to put together my own list...This is a list of 12 things I will DO (they key here is to not just write it down as a wish list, but to actually execute) to bring back for myself or maintain for my kids the Magic of Christmas. I would love to hear your 12 Days of Christmas List...that you will really do. Post em here in the comments or do your own list on your blog and let me know. Let's keep each other "In The Spirt".