I'm hoping that they post a hint over the next few days so I can be about my mad hunt (just another excuse to shop) for my interpretation of said hint.
Since I'm soliciting a hint or two, I thought I'd post a little blurb about my preference (or proclivities) to help my Secret Santa out.
- People know me as the TravelDiva (duh). If it is related to traveling...I'm in.
- I have, on numerous occasions, been called out for my sparkly fabulousness and am easily distracted by shiny, sparkly, bedazzled things. (ie. review pictures...I always wear a brooch - the more sparkly the better, the bigger the better).
- I even bejewel my hair. Seriously. Don't judge me.
- I have a shoe fetish that is unrivaled with a closet to hold the in. DSW certificate?
- I collect odd things...snow globs & masks from ever place I've traveled. I like em big. One of either with an interesting story or from where you are from would be equally as loverly.
- You can NEVER go wrong with anything related to red wine or martini's. I'm not an alcoholic...I'm a professional drinker.
- Don't tell anyone, but I love all things Bath & Body Works. SHHHHH. NO JUDGING REMEMBER.
...and in actuality, any gift I receive that is from the heart and giving with as much caring & thought as I know the people involved are putting into this will be a blessing and greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Santa.