I don't know why this endeavor tickled me so much. What I do know was that I thoroughly enjoyed getting to "know" a new blogger to me as I combed through her blog to catch up and learn some things about the person I had drawn. I have found, for the most part, that the bloggers I have met personally or only interact with online are just a bunch of great, interesting people. Do I agree with everything they do/say? Nope. What I do know is that there are a lot of decent & interesting people out there that I would not have met otherwise; we all have our idiosyncrasies; we all are weird/set in our ways; we are all crazy and/or self-medicate in some form or fashion; and my way ain't the only way/THE WAY/or the way that would work for someone else.
I LOVE IT. I am having a blast and this Secret Blog Santa was a way to share part of myself & get to know a new (bunch of new) people along the way. I am enjoying the journey.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED MY GIFT. As I read the card, it made me feel special and warmed my heart to know how much thought they put into the gift. The card started out with "Merry Christmas TravelDiva & The Steptoe Family. This box is filled with things for You & Yours From Us." And went on to explain what was for Me, for Mine and From Them. LOVED IT.
The Lolita Wine Glass was for me. The Gingerbread Kit & Hot Coco was for Cara & I to work on form my 7th day of Christmas vow and the Cookies were from Them as something that they left for Santa and wanted to share with me. Just awesome.
I spent a little time today doing some investigative work, trying to figure out who my Secret Santa was and I was able to narrow it down to two (I think). My guess is......
Pserendipity or NerdGirl
TELL ME. TELL ME. So I can gush with you personally.
Merry Christmas to all my new blog friends...and may your New Year be Blessed.