Check these ladies out! This is Team The Usual Suspects! We came together from near & far to run this race together as a team. What a wonderful experience. From the team energy, laughter & shenanigans - ummm...we are glad that Sweet Neet managed to read the team emails in time to actually get her race packet...and that one husband didn't actually end up driving to the Richmond Marathon due to wrong directions left - FUNNY!!! - to the 30K runners plus all the spectators ---- It made a great day for a race.
The weather was phenomenal too! I think my body finally decided to say, "Seriously?! 10 more miles. Did you not just do a Triathlon, a 5 miler and now you want me to do WHAT?! Naw player, Imma slow this heffa down with a hamstring strain." With sheer determination and feeling like I was running like Quasimoto - dragging one leg behind me, I finished the race is 2:06. Nothing earth shattering, but within a reasonable amount of my goal which was 2 miles.
My body actually hurts worse today than after the Triathlon. I think my body fired a warning shot over the bow. REST or ELSE. I'm taking the week off and then I'm going to start up with the Insanity Workout & the 100 Pushup/100 Situp routine...till about Jan/Feb.
*looks around room to see if my body is evesdropping* Then I'll start training again for some races & 2-3 Tri's. SHHHHH!!! Don't tell the FireMarshall.
Thank you to Team Usual Suspects for a great race - NEXT YEAR?! Also, many thanks to Becca, GBaby & Pier that came out to cheer us on at the finish line. It makes SUCH a difference to have a personal cheering section. NO DOUBT. Thank You!