Princess Cara turned 7 on February 22nd and instead of throwing a big ole party with all the kids in her 1st grade class, we decided to take a trip to New York City and have a “Day with American Girl.”
You might have just raised your eyebrow thinking, well DAMN, they doled it out for the munchkin. Not really – no more than we would have doled out having 20+ kids at Chucky Cheese. Last year, that little event set us back BIG TIME & I do NOT want to discuss the cost of the Build a Bear Party we had with 15 kids a few years back. I had to take a knee at the check out counter when all was said and done. In fact, we spent less on this outing then we did on either of those two parties. SMDH. Kid birthday parties are a racket indeed.
We got in the car and drove up to Manhattan on Friday and stayed with my BFF Val, her husband & My Baby Maia. TheFireMarshall and I gained a new appreciation and tried to stay in the moment as we enjoyed with Princess Cara the wonder, oohs & aaahs as we came out of the Lincoln Tunnel and drove up 42nd. The lights, the tall buildings, the people. Cara was bouncing up and down in her seat, pointing at everything. I slid the panel back on the sun roof so she could look at the buildings through the roof. The FireMarshall and I looked at each other and enjoyed the moment. It IS pretty.
We just hung out with Val & Manny and went a few doors down to have dinner at one of the local restaurants where we killed an entire pitcher of Sangria (Val & I). Cara tore down some tacos and played with Maia.
I got up on Saturday, got dressed and went for a walk in Val’s neighborhood stopping in one direction to get me a Cappuccino at Star.b.ucks, turning around and walking 4 blocks in the opposite direction to enjoy my drink, watch the people and admire the architecture. You just have to look up to admire the beauty of the buildings. I found another Star.b.ucks and picked up some Hot Coco for the Princess & FireMarshall. After we were all set, we caught the subway to Lexington & 51st and took a stroll up past St. Patrick’s Cathedral to get to The American Girl Store.
O.M.G. You want to talk about a doll store on crack…The American Girl Store is the place. From the dolls, to the clothes, shoes, accessories, books, videos – this is the place to create your kids best friend. The store has a Salon (get your doll’s hair done & ears pierced), a Hospital (where you can get your doll “fixed”, they even put your doll in a hospital gown at admission. My question – do they take insurance?), a Pet shop (cause if your daughter has pets, then her doll has to have one too! Seriously), a Photo Studio (you must have your picture taken with your new best buddy) and more. Three levels of pure doll crack.
We arrive at the store and get our “Day” pack which included $130 gift card, 2 Café Lunch Vouchers, 1 Doll Salon Voucher, 1 Photo Voucher and Matching T-Shirts for doll & girl. Then it was TIME TO SHOP. Princess Cara wanted a new doll so we went to the doll viewing cases to select a doll. The choices a WIDE as you can select skin tone and hair texture & length OR you can choose a character doll. Here is Princess Cara with her selection:
Princess Cara named her Matalie.
We then went on to shop for outfits & accessories. Princess Cara selected a Picnic Set and a pretty pink dress with a hat and matching slippers – “So, Matalie & Katie (her other doll) can a a Picnic.” Then it was up to the salon to get Matalie’s Hair done & ears pierced. (insert eye roll here). After that we hung around and looked in the Museum of all the Character Dolls and read their stories. We had a 2:30 pm lunch appointment in the Café, where I was SO grateful that they had cocktails on the menu. Seriously…after a while, the doll crack get’s to you.
After 4 hours in the American Girl Store, we were all a tad edgy and subway’d it back to Val’s to get ready to go out to dinner for Val’s birthday. What a wonderful time! Princess Cara is a VERY VERY HAPPY GIRL and when we got back home on Sunday, she tucked Matalie in her American Girl bed that GMa Sandy got her for her birthday.
All is right in Princess Cara’s Kingdom!