Table Scape – CHECK
Dyed Eggs – CHECK
Cookies made/decorated – CHECK
Menu Planned – CHECK
Egg Hunt Set up – IN PROGRESS
Church Clothes picked out – CHECK
Sound of Music DVD Cued to cook by – CHECK
Ten Commandments Collectors Edition waiting – CHECK (thanks Q)
The menu plans include but are not limited to (still a work in progress) the following:
Turkey with Apple & Pecan Dressing
Lamb Roast
Roasted Vegetables
Cajun Corn Maque Choux
Another Veggie/Dish TBD
Deviled Egg Chicks
Mozzarella Bruchetta
Princess Cara has been busy this morning decorating cookies & eggs. Princess Charlee is getting up the Easter Egg Hunt later today for our OWN Easter Egg Roll/Hunt on the True Blessing Lawn since FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW we didn’t get in the White House Lottery. HUMPH! I’m not bitter at all.
How is your Easter shaping up? What you cookin’?