
Soulful Sunday- Prince Jordan Edition


This past weekend we out to visit Prince Jordan, Heir to the Empire, Protector of the Realm & Beastly Lax Goalie for the Indiana Tech Lax Weekend (3 games over 3 days).


We had a wonderful time with our son at his off campus pad with his roommates and a bunch of the team parents.




I can almost rest easy…The Prince is doing real good for himself.


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Warrior Athlete too…with a 3.3 GPA.  WOOT WOOT! One month left and The Prince is a college SENIOR.  Where did the time go?


Right now, he is having to get back & forth to school and practice on what his roommate’s mother calls the likka-cycle cause his roommate got a OWI (operating while intoxicated – not sure of the difference, but ok) and can’t drive for a while. The house vehicle is out of commission.


If only I could convince him that his melon is not indestructible and to wear a helmet. I tried to use the logic that he wouldn’t play without his helmet and no pro-athlete (race car driver, cyclist, etc.) would go without. HUMPH. Like talking to a brick wall. SIGH. A mother’s nagging is NEVER done.


A Wonderful Weekend of Warrior Lax…The Realm is Protected & The Prince is still BEAST!

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