The Army-Navy Football game is one of the most traditional and enduring rivalries in college football pitting the footbal teams of the United States Military Academy (ARMY) and the United States Naval Academy (NAVY) against one another. This rivalry has been going on since 1890. The game has been held on the 1st Saturday in December for as long as I can remember. It is traditionally played in Philadelphia but this year we are in Baltimore at Ravens Stadium. The festivities are already starting.
Here are the stats as of 2006:
Army: 49 wins Navy: 51 wins 7 ties 107 total games played 10 years in which game was not played
Every year the Cadets of West Point and the Midshipmen of Navy try to steal each others mascots (Army Mule vs Navy Goat). HA! We Have the Goat! Check out the mission briefing.
For a moment there I thought you had seen the rural light and were going to start making your own yogurt and cheese! I was looking around for my Goat book to send off to you...sigh...but sadly you are still un-enlightened to the joys of goatsmanship unless it has to do with Army Navy week. Oh well... GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY! Love, Terri
For a moment there I thought you had seen the rural light and were going to start making your own yogurt and cheese! I was looking around for my Goat book to send off to you...sigh...but sadly you are still un-enlightened to the joys of goatsmanship unless it has to do with Army Navy week. Oh well... GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!