Saturday was the Iron Girl Triathlon “Dress Rehearsal”. Actually a practice swim and run clinic in preparation for the Iron Girl Columbia Triathlon on August 21st. What a wonderful race this is going to be. Everyone was so nice, supportive and encouraging.
I met so many wonderful ladies. Women of all shapes, sizes & colors. Just beautiful.
I made a new friend in Kathryn who is racing with Team Fight and hung out with Terri, Cassandra, Beth and a few others at Centennial Lake as we waited for our swim wave to get in the water. The set up was awesome. The organizers set up a 1100y course and they had all of these volunteer “swim angels” – someone who would swim along with you, giving you tips and encouraging you along the way. WOW!
I saw my friend, Sheila, from MidMdTri club – look at her coming out of the water VICTORIOUS. Terri had a swim angel with her and they both got out of the water smiling – ANOTHER VICTORY.
After taking a little rest break and having a snack, a few of us ran most of the Iron Girl run course – one of the most brutal run routes imaginable. That hill at about a mile out is RE-DAMN-DICULOUS. I have got to step up my run game or I’m going to be in the HURT LOCKER!
Despite the suffering (and slower race time) that is undoubtedly going to happen on this race (the bike & run routes are just UGLY & WRONG) I am really looking forward to this race.
We are women, hear us roar – WE ARE TRIATHLETES!