Remember the first Top Mafia, BFF Weekend? Check it out…I’ll wait.
Okay…Well, one of my TOP MAFIA – my HandyHOTness partner in crime – came in to town to run the Army 10 Miler with me. Another weekend with my friend and I feel like I need a kidney transplant from laughing so damn hard –CONSTANTLY!
Another weekend of hilarious moments…
- Yes, you CAN be run over by your own Segway.
- “OPG” does NOT stand for “Old People Grovin’”…it stands for Original Pretty Girls. Seriously!
- Friends don’t let friends take pictures with a cow.
- “How long it take you to get here on the bus? 20 hours?”
- You really haven’t cursed anyone out until you spit a “FUGG YOU” at someone from deep down in the gut. FUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
- You know how you recover from the humiliation & embarrassment of taking a picture with a COW?…You braid your BFF’s hair so hard & tight for 2 hours until she has a migraine. Muuwaaaahhh!!!
Ms.Pattey came in on Thursday and did a tour of the Pentagon and 9-11 Memorial with a friend from high school. On Friday, we did a City Segway Tour of DC that was an absolute BLAST. My only advice if you ever do a tour on a Segway…wear a pair of shoes that you could stand still in for 3 hours.
Yes, you are moving along at 10mph (for the most part), but you are essentially standing in place – in the same position for 3 hours. My feet were screaming. I can’t even imagine how the girl wearing heels on the tour was feeling by the end. DUMB.
After the tour, we were in great need of sustenance and stumbled upon Cuba Libre on 9th St. DELICOUS!!! Both the food & the adult beverages.
After we were sated, we hopped back on the Metro and went to pick up our race packets for the Army 10 Miler. We probably spent WAAAAY too much time checking out all the vendors & spent WAAAAY too much money…AND took a picture with a cow instead of a cheetah (I’m still traumatized) but a good time was had by all.
We hooked up with TriBecca at the expo and she was kind enough to drive us up to Howard University so we could make our last stop on our Friday adventure. Rankin Chapel to see the AKA Founders Stained Glass Window. What a treat! As beautiful as I knew it would be.
All of that was just Friday…Saturday was a blur of shopping, eating, shopping and laughing. Sunday was the Army 10 Miler (race report will be up later).
We had a wonderful weekend. I love all the different adventures I go on with my Top Mafia! Just the best group of friends – EVER. I think we have mastered that Recipe for Friendship.
I hope you have tried that recipe. It is great for the soul.