Today was my Sister’s Birthday and it was also a day of not taking things for granted. What did she want to do for her birthday? Have her hair did, nails did, everything did…she wanted to be “fancy”…she wanted to do something she had NEVER DONE IN HER LIFE. Then she said to me…”I want to look pretty like you.”
I was floored. Speechless. Yes, my sister has had a HARD (of her own making) life. I’m not even going to outline the gruesome details. Suffice it to say that I wouldn’t wish that existence on my worst enemy. However, a day finally came when she hit rock bottom (her perception of the bottom – not mine, cause my idea of rock bottom was years ago) and she asked to come home. Almost a year later and I’m cautiously optimistic.
This week I was just floored by her birthday request…today we made it happen.
Hair Did – she wanted it braided…here is my own personal masterpiece:
Nails Did -
We then went shopping. We got her own makeup (STAY OFF MY VANITY NOW!!!), ordered dinner & I made Sparkling Sidecars.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Laura. I hope you feel “pretty” as you always were & are.