Just stop. Stop with all the bullshyt.
Those of you that think if Trayvon had just stopped and answered Zimmerman’s questions and confrontation…
So, am I now supposed to teach my children (my 20 year old son) that if a STRANGER is following you, stalking you and then confronts you…A STRANGER THAT IS NOT EVEN IN A POLICE UNIFORM…that they are just supposed to stand there and let said STRANGER do, say, touch, harass them with all the deference, respect & yes, sir’s that they can muster as if this was the 1950’s? ARE YOU FUGGING SERIOUS??? So, if a stranger is following me; harassing me, I’m not supposed to run? What if that STRANGER turned out to be a serial killer or rapist? Wouldn’t you be calling me fugging stupid for stopping to talk to with a STRANGER?
What about MY RIGHT – what about Trayvon’s RIGHT - to stand our ground? Oh…Okay. The one with the gun is always gonna win that one, huh? What if Trayvon did fight back – against the pursuit and confrontation of a STRANGER!!!??? He didn’t have the right to stand his ground, the right to self-defense against that idiot, Zimmerman? Of course not. Like I said, the gun wins.
I simply can’t wrap my mind around the idea that Zimmerman, who had almost 100lbs on Trayvon, felt that his life was in imminent danger from a kid with a bag of skittles and a can a tea to fight with. SELF DEFENSE MY ASS. There is NOTHING you can tell me, nothing you can say that will convince me that Zimmerman was the victim here. Zimmerman was the one that called 911. Zimmerman was the one that followed that kid despite being told not to. It was Zimmerman that got out of his car and confronted Trayvon, once again, despite being told not too. Who was the aggressor here? Zimmerman started it and he finished it…and now his little vigilante, racial profiling, stereotyping, over zealous azz is still free to roam the street.
…and you know as well as I do, that had Trayvon had a license to carry a concealed weapon, stood his ground when Zimmerman confronted him and was the first one to get off a shot, that Trayvon would have been hauled off to jail while they “investigated” his claim of self defense. And I’m sure the outrage would have been just as loud to convict him for shooting Zimmerman instead of backing off. You know it, I know it. I willing to say it to your face. Makes you uncomfortable. Too bad. The truth hurts.
As for Geraldo Rivera’s assertions that if Trayvon has not been wearing a hoodie, this probably wouldn’t have happened like it did…
How about that for stereotyping and racial profiling. That is just about the same thing as saying that if women didn’t wear the pencil skirt then they wouldn’t get raped. Really? Geraldo – SHAME ON YOU! That was just dumb, asinine logic.
As for those of you that think that we all should just shut up about this since there is so much other similar tragedies in the the world…NO. I won’t. Don’t take issue with me for staying on top of this injustice, talking about it and calling it for what it is – MURDER, plain and simple. Do I care about the other injustices in the world? YES. I’m sick of it all. Take up the lack of coverage for many of the other social injustices with the media. Those that scream the loudest seem to get the attention…watch the power of any special interest group. That Stand Your Ground Law is some bullshit, plain & simple. Where is ya’ll girl, Nancy Grace? Mmmm Hmmmm.
You know, if enough good people just keep silent, refuse to throw a flag on the play or call BULLSHIT when they see it…then well evil, injustice will win every single time.