Last night, some of the Usual Suspects met up at Merriweather Post Pavilion for the John Legend/India Arie Concert. We all got lawn tickets and OneFromPhilly got there early enough to stake out a pretty good plot of land with a great view.
There was a moment or two when I didn't think we were going to pull this off due to the threat of rain; (I ain't sitting in the rain on a mud soaked hill for nobody) however, the rain gave up the ghost and by concert time there was some sun and blue sky to be seen.
Let it be known that we don't roll anywhere all half baked. We all showed up with both barrels loaded with enough food to feed all of us AND our surrounding lawn mates. If you didn't get any, it wasn't cause it wasn't offered. OneFromPhilly had ravioli, chips & spinach dip and strawberries. I had two bags stuffed with Roasted Chicken Sandwiches, sesame noodles, grapes, strawberries, chips & hummus & fruit tarts. CreoleInDC rolled up with chicken & potatoes from the Amish market AND a bottle of wine. We was ready to get our grub on.
Merriweather needs to get their act together on the rules of engagement for the lawn seats. On their website it states you can bring food in "clear, disposable containers". The sign outside one of the gates states "no food". I didn't have any problem at the gate with the minor looksy they gave of our bags, but we did see and hear about people at another gate having to dump all their food in the trash. R U SERIOUS. They would have KNOWN something had they told me I couldn't bring my food in after I packed it just like it states on the website I could.
Straight up GI JANE on de azz fo sho.
John Legend's brother (can't remember his name) opened the concert with a few songs. He sounded pretty good and looked good too, but dancing around with your shirt off with your ecru boxes showing out the top of you hanging too low jeans just doesn't do a damn thing for me. I'm not impressed and I don't find it chexy AT ALL. Guess he was trying to appeal to some of the ladies that came dressed for the "club". Merriweather, stiletto heels and a shiny version of daisy dukes just don't go together...can you say outdoor concert venue.
India was fantastic - in looks & sound. She had the crowd all in an uproar when she pulled off her wig to show her close cut fro. She looked beautiful right up to the point she put on the Party Party Party Store Costume Wings...well, she didn't suddenly become ugly...but the wings were a tad cheesy. Next time, Indie, get some of those Vic.tor.ia Se.cret wings. At least they look real and, if so inclined, you could bedazzle them.
The older I get, the more I want to bedazzle everything - ya, know - like THAT grandma that always sparkles. The more rhymi-stones...the better. LOL.
In between each set, Merriweather played MJ music and had people dancing all over the place...including the bedazzled birthday woman & her crew who all had one sparkly glove on. They were having the time of their life and even got a MJ electric slide going at one point. It was her birthday, and she can act a bedazzled crazy if she wants to. As you can tell from the video that a few of us were not that far off with us jumping up and dancing...trying our damnedest not to lean to far forward and roll down the hill.
Tuck & Roll. Tuck & Roll.
My favorite concert fan was the woman in a full burkah who was JAMMING. She was waving her arms in the air like she just didn't care and the only thing you could see were her eyes. SHE WAS JAMMING, I tell ya, in full head to toe black. Get it, girl.
John Legend came out and played what VivrantThang called a perfect mix of old favorites, new releases and "mash ups" (mixes of well known songs). He had to be hot in that purple leather jacket, but he sure did sound good. The FireMarshall dozed off. Hmmmm....and when he decided it was time to go, he was packed and steppin. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to everyone for fear of losing Ron in the crowd. He was gone and I had to get to stepping to keep up.
I had a wonderful time...but how could you not when your with...The Usual Suspects.