I participated in my first Blog Rodeo/Carnival. Not sure what all happened, but here is the results...
Lisa Steptoe from Stories of a Traveling Diva writes her own Package Insert, complete with contraindications and dosing instructions.
Aloha_50 from In Praise Of The Female Form blog answers the question Why do I blog? with pictures of women in suggestive poses.
CyberCelt from CoolAdzine for Marketers invites y'all to join Bloggers United to Stop Abuse.
Jan from The Poodle (and dog) blog shares her story about a notorious hotel heiress named after the capital of France in The day the stats peaked.
Robert Hruzek from Middle Zone Musings officially kicks off his What I Learned From… project for September with What I Learned From... Change.
Sue from Nuttin' But Pimp asks a delicate question: What Happens When A Blogger Dies?
Anthony from The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune writes a unique post about A Year of Bloggability.
Kilroy_60 from Fear And Loathing - The Gonzo Papers shares the interview with which he was named the Blog Village's Newest Featured Villager.
Naomi from Diary From England writes about A Wonderful Blogging Experience. She also shares information about England Goes Gonzo Carnival, the next Gonzo carnival, on Monday October 1, 2007.
If you ever get invited to participate, give it a try. You meet and read some interesting stuff.