
Hello World, It's Me Lisa

Apparently I missed National DeLurking Week (Jan 8-12). RutRow. I'll admit that I have been known to lurk around several blog sites. Often times, its because I want to get around to visit as many as time will allow reading fun and interesting stuff and I just don't stop to make time to comment. I've gotten much better this past year and have outed (de-lurked) myself with places that I visit a lot.

Well, I'd love to meet some of the visitors here. From my little map, I know that I have a lot of visitors from places far and wide, but I rarely hear hide nor hair from anyone. HELLLLOOOOO OUT THERE. Ya know, I read somewhere that in cyberspace, no one can hear you read. Ya gotta click the comment button.

So, if you got a minute. Hit the comment button and give me your name/alias, where your from, how'd you find me and any other comment you like to leave. I look forward to meeting you.


  1. well... i heard of you b/c ... YOUR MY MOTHER.... HA HA HA

  2. It's Joe. The good looking fella with the grey in his beard, thanks for noticing! You know it's hard earned at the hands of the "Gang of Five" and Earth Mother! LOL! Unlike most of your readers though, you know I will be here forever. Love the blog, my friend.

  3. Earth Mother? Who's he calling Earth Mother? I prefer Queen of domesticity! LOL

    See you late Friday.

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Thanks for coming by and spending time with me on my birthday...that is very special to me.

  5. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Hey Ms. Lisa!
    I lurked on over here from CreoleinDC's spot. You have a beautiful family, and you all seem to really just enjoy life and each other. That's awesome to me. Take care :-)
