FW: Breaking News!! Second-degree battery charges against Mychal Bell Overturned!
Late breaking news on the Jena Six case!! The Associated Press has reported that the 3rd Circuit of Court of Appeals has overturned the second-degree battery charges against Mychal Bell! Bob Noel, one of Bell's attorneys stated that the court has ruled that 17-year-old Bell should never have been charged as an adult. Though this decision offers a glimmer of hope for Bell amidst what seemed to be a sea of judicial disappointments, he will not automatically be released and the charges can be upped by LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters. Walters can appeal the decision, accept the decision and charge Bell as an adult with attempted murder, or charge Bell with aggravated second-degree battery as a juvenile. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO READ THE FULL STORY... Other articles... | | | | | | |