HOME AT LAST FARM - Terri is my bestest "country" diva to my "city" diva girlfriend and her husband is my classmate from West Point. This is a woman who effortlessly (at least to me) raises (and home schooled for a long time) 5 kids, tilled & planted a 1 acre garden, painted the barn, took care of 2 goats, a bunch of chickens, rabbits, a cow & some pigs ----all before noon and then hand crafted something. Always made me crazy. Visiting them, when they had the farm, was an absolute HOOT! We would visit the Amish, antique shop, play in their personal petting zoo, skeet shoot (or shoot something in the "yard" - they had billions of acres), shoot off REAL fireworks only to have to hide from the county police cause the neighbor (bout a mile away) though we were "gonna kill her." I have laughed so hard in her kitchen almost rupturing my spleen, reading books aloud that she had on her shelf (and they have bout 2 billion books- she reads books like I eat candy) such as Goat Husbandry...you just HAD to be there to read about the care of a male goat - DISGUSTING.
Terri and family have finally moved to the suburbs due to her man's new job and she is still trying to figure out how she can build a chicken coop that the neighbors won't throw a fit over. She just slays me all the time...and NO you just can't have another GOAT. It isn't going to go well in suburbia.
We are spending the 1st weekend in October at our 20th Reunion from West Point together and I just know we are going to tear the Academy up. I'm still waiting for her call about what I'm wearing...Girl - YOU KNOW I'M ROCKIN' THE BEST STUFF I GOT. I tell ya one thing...TERRI, you are NOT allowed to wear those damn Ugg boots. PERIOD. It is simply a no go. I love you....now you have to tag at least 5 of your favorite "Rocking" girl bloggers.
See you in two weeks....
