
Benny Havens, Oh!

Come fill your glasses, fellows, and stand up in a row,
To singing sentimentally, we're going for to go,
In the army there's sobriety, promotion's very slow,
So we'll sing our reminiscences of Benny Havens, oh!

Oh, Benny Havens, oh! Oh, Benny Havens, oh!
So we'll sing our reminiscences of Benny Havens, oh!

Ron and I hosted a "Benny Haven's" (or happy hour for lay people) for the Outreach Team from the Admissions Office. Project Outreach focuses on recruiting minority candidates for admission to the United States Military Academy. Ron and I are not only alumni of the Academy but also former Outreach Officers from 1990-1991. It was a blast having everyone over. We had a great time catching up with old and new. Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Looks like a fun event!! Nic pics.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Hi! This is one hell of a blog! Could we exchange links?

    My blog is - Infinitely CRAZY

    Please do leave me a comment after linking to me(if you agree to the exchange, of course)


  3. nice pics.. i see you are a traveliing extraordinaire with many layers.
