So.... I'm sitting here with my lip poked out, all Boo-Boo Kitty like cause my husband in ST LUCIA and I'm HERE, with snow, an impending ice storm, no school (Mini-Diva is driving me batty) today and probably tomorrow and a MAJOR presentation tomorrow morning to work on. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR AT ALL!!!!!
He will read this and call to "explain" that he is "working" and not having fun at all. THAT IS NOT THE FRIGGIN POINT, PLAYA! The fact of the matter is you are "working" under a tropical sun and in the evening you can hang out with your partners talking business in an outdoor restaurant. I on the other hand, am bundled up INSIDE, tripping over barbies & crayons, "working" in the freakin cold and dinner will be leftovers. HUMPH!
Tell me again what our life is going to be like when you get this deal all finalized. Remind me again, paint me a visual picture...Please...cause right now, this very minute - looking out the window at snow, procrastinating on this powerpoint and restraining myself from striking Mini-Diva with her Pocahantas Barbie...I GOT MY LIP POKED OUT LIKE A SAD BOO-BOO KITTY.