* Stop telling me that I can't use certain words cause it is "off label"...Synergistic is just a damn descriptor...Go back to "managing" and I'll get back to "selling".
* Location, Location, Location is key when selecting a booth to ensure maximum traffic...so WTF did you think was gonna happen when you were a cheap skate and got the cheapest booth possible. Yeah, the back 40...all back of the friggin bus.
* Please read the fine print next time you register for a booth. YOU NEED TO ALSO ORDER TABLE AND CHAIRS. Could we just pretend for a moment that you know what the eff you are doing?
* It is hard as hell to get out of the heavenly bed to stand in the booth for 6 hours a day. REALLY HARD.
* The hotel bar is an amusing place at the end of the day...a lot more business gets done right there saddled up to the bar.
* I am not amused AT ALL that they think I should come back on a Saturday to dismantle the booth (BY MYSELF) cause they don't want to pay the $500 early dismantle fee AND you wanna get all uptight about me asking for you to "compensate" me for my time. I asked for dinner and you gave me the side-eye. Uh Huh. You want it dismantled OR WHAT!
* I'm getting more pissed as the day goes on.
* Contrary to popular belief...YOU DO NOT PAY ME ENOUGH...not even close...to do all this extra bullshyat. TRUST.
* I let the Genie outta the bottle and it was hard getting her back in, but I managed. Whew!
* I now know why they don't put clocks in the exhibitor hall...it would sheer torture to watch.