* "You need to get undressed" OH LAWD, PLEEEEESE.
* Can we at least have a looksie? COME ON!
* Could Cloe please come back and slap the ish outta what's her name - the fake computer geek.
* "Know the psychology of your subject." Good information, multiple uses.
* HOLD ON TONY! You've been through worse.
* Jon Voight has made some serious comebacks in the past few years. Really got the bad guy down pat pretty good.
* The Presidents daughter is the biggest conniving Byatch on the face of the planet. I HATE HER and hope she gets busted soon. NOOOOOOO!!!! You can't trust that heffa.
* Everything on 24 is imminent, immediate, urgent, "NO TIME". Does anyone ever have time to go to the bathroom.
* Why is The FireMarshall poking me and other FB stuff while I am watching/blogging 24 tonight. I WILL SHANK HIS AZZ if he keeps it up. HUMPH!
* I gotta get that clock thing as a ring tone.
* Oh, yeah...she has the hots for JACK too or am I the only one who is seeing this while this guy begs for her back. Uh Huh.
* You can't even say you trust yourself, BYATCH!
* OMG. His ears are HUGE! Let's add catastrophic to the list.
* OH SYHAT! What da hell now. The traitor want to go good now that it has gotton "complicated" and "gone to far". SERIOUSLY. Always a twist, huh. Not quite defibulator status yet, but I'm charging it.
* OH LAWD...throwing myself down...my baby is infected. I wanna touch my boo's scars. She should have hugged him. He looked like he need a hug...or more.
* I got a BAAAAD feeling about this. It is never this easy. Poor JACK. You know if Jack is not there then awful things happen. He probably gonna go anyway. BET.
* Ya know...Tony is hot too...in an moody, bad boy kinda way. SIGH.
* "Let's do it, dammit."; "Copy That"; Famous Last Words: "We're good to go."
* Why is that baztard looking so smug. Told you it was waay to easy. Sometin ain't right. WHERE IS JACK!!!! WHAT! Jack is still at FBI. It's a trap, has to be. GET THEM OUTTA THERE! Told ya. SHOOT THAT LYING MO-FO. Time for a little torture.
* I HATE it when I'm right. BAAAAZZZZZTAAARDS.
* As my daugter said...Now Jack has to go and rescue the FBI from a government funded Military compound with weapons of mass destruction... Such a simple task... I mean damn.... Can this be a challenge pls...LOL