Pose #24: Janushirasana - Separate Head to Knee Streching
A long time ago, when I was in the military, I was given a plaque - an award for my service as an aerobics instructor on the military installation I was stationed at. I did it for free, after duty - because I loved it. At the end of an exhibition & workshop we (myself and some other instructors) conducted one Saturday, I was presented this plaque. It has been on the wall in my office for many years. I forgot it was there, until recently, and it made me think about the yoga challenge.
It says:
To Lisa Steptoe - On Being Relentless
You are Relentless - a firery, driving force that lets no obstacle, setback or challenge get in the way of a noteworthy goal.
Have you forgotten who you are? What you are made of? Sometimes it takes a "Challenge" to remind you of just how fabulous & strong you really are. I has for me.
Pose #25: Ardha - Matsyendrasana - Spine Twisting Pose
Tomorrow is the last day of the "Half Moon to Half Moon - 31 Day Yoga Challenge". I have to do two classes tomorrow to get in 31 classes and complete the challenge. No Problem...
I Am Relentless