
Letter of Intent Signing

As a result of the prom, we could not make it out to Indiana Tech for the first orientation and to have Jordan sign his Letter of Intent. Since I was not a recruited athlete like my husband when we went to college, I had no concept of what a big deal this was.

Well tonight, my husband made a big deal out of it for his son. The FireMarshall made a speech, congratulating his son, and then they signed Prince Jordan's Letter of Intent to play Lacrosse at Indiana Tech. I had no idea how rare Lacrosse scholarships are, but The FireMarshall did and he made a big tadoo out of it.

I took pictures, champagne was poured and toasts made to Prince Jordan & his future. It was great to see my men beaming...one a proud father, the other an excited & beaming son. Makes a momma's heart just skip a beat.

Congratulations Prince Jordan!