
On the Fifth (Month) of Unemployment, My True Love Gave to Me...

Reeasons to Sing....

Yesterday I had the priviledge to experience the Grace of God for the umpteenth time. I am always surprised, but am so glad that I recognize it when it happens, so that I can give credit (honor & glory) to the One its due to.

I was offered a job. A small, growing Biotech company. Sales Manager, MidAtlantic. The total compensation for the average manager is about the same as with my previous position, however, commission & bonus is uncapped (top rep makes 30% more) - and I plan on being a top manager. The caveat is that, as with most device/capital equipment companies, the base is low (and that is realtive) and the commission is extrodinarily high. If it was another big pharma company offering me a similar package....I would have to say hell no. I have been with big pharma companies for 18 years, watched these companies start to contract and implode on themselves, survived 2 restructurings/layoffs and am watching these same companies continue to reorganize/layoff/restructure in order to stay competitive. You don't have to hit me over the head for me to know to not get back on a sinking ship.

Now for the bonus...Do you think this is fortuitous or an glimpse at part of the Divine Plan for my life?.....Remember this post from December 20th, 2006......

Well, on December 20th, 2008, it happend again...I got a new job with a new company. I happened TO THE DAY.

God is Great...His Delays are not His Denials...He is always Right on Time. I know I said it before...but I think THIS is going to be the best Christmas ever (or perhaps one of the most blessed).